Sat Jan 28 2023

How to convert TypeScript Enum to a Union Type

An explanation of 2 easy ways to convert a TypeScript Enum to a Union Type

I'm usually not in the habit of creating a lot of Enums these days as I find more comfort in using Unions as they give enhanced type safety by limiting what a property could be.

This blog post came about because I was creating an interface for the props of a React component and wanted to limit the type of a property in this interface to the values contained within the Enum. 

There are two ways to do this 

Let's consider the below as the Enum in question

1enum Directions {
2 left = "left",
3 right = "right",
4 straight = "straight",

If I wanted to convert the above into a type I have 2 options

  1. Using the keyof typeof

Screenshot 2023-01-28 at 22.06.23

2. Using a template literal to convert the Enum 

Screenshot 2023-01-28 at 22.04.57

Both of the above ways should now give you type safety. Take a look below on how we cannot assign a value that is not within our original Enum

1enum Directions {
2 left = "left",
3 right = "right",
4 straight = "straight",
6type DirectionsUnion = `${Directions}`;
7// ✅ all clear
8let directionOne: DirectionsUnion = "left";
9// ⛔️ Error: Type '"meow"' is not assignable to type '"left" | "right" | "straight"'.
10let newDirection: DirectionsUnion = "meow";

Hope you found this useful! If there is anything you'd like me to write about more, let me know in the comments below!
